SNAP Selling: The Solution to Win Frazzled Customers

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    Customers crave fast, clear, and hassle-free buying experiences. Lengthy sales pitches often fall short. But with SNAP selling’s concise and customer-centric approach, you can enhance sales performance by reducing stress and focusing on needs. This acronym stands as a best seller in sales strategies, aligning perfectly with the demands of the modern buyer.

    In this article, we’ll guide you through the SNAP essentials using industry scenarios, determining fit for your business, and offering a handy buyer’s matrix to pinpoint your ideal buyer.

    What Is SNAP Selling?

    Adapting to customer behavior is essential for successful sales. And today’s prospects are busier than ever. Jill Konrath’s SNAP Selling provides sales strategies for engaging today’s busy prospects. These prospects make quick, or SNAP, decisions that can make or break a sale. Sales reps must prepare – and this is where reputable sales training platforms can help.

    The rapid pace of information and decision-making requires sales strategies that capture and maintain the attention of potential buyers constantly bombarded with options and information. Failing to pass their initial assessment can lead to immediate dismissal – a scenario all too common in modern sales environments. SNAP Selling’s Simple, iNvaluable, Aligned, and Priority technique helps sellers cut through the noise and positively impact the bottom line.

    What Does a “Frazzled Customer” Look Like?

    Who hasn’t felt overwhelmed by the available choices and information? This is reality for most buyers, leading to analysis paralysis. Even the most straightforward decisions become daunting for even the best decision-makers.

    Imagine trying to select a pair of socks on Amazon and then scale that up to choosing between complex business solutions. SNAP Selling recognizes this challenge and aims to tailor its approach for the ‘frazzled customer syndrome,’ characterized by the following traits:


    Frazzled buyers experience anxiety when faced with decisions, especially those involving large investments or change. They look for immediate clarity and value to ensure that their choices are sound. This anxiety is rooted in making a wrong decision, and even more, making any decision at all.

    Wary of Complexity

    These customers are intimidated by solutions that seem overly complex or time-consuming. They prefer options that are straightforward to integrate into their existing processes.


    High expectations define these buyers. They want solutions that are effective, efficient, and deliver tangible results quickly. Their demand for excellence reflects their pressures to perform and provide results in their roles.


    Maintaining focus is a significant challenge for these customers. Sales tactics must be engaging and relevant enough to cut through the noise and grab their attention without adding to the barrage of information they already face.

    Four Core Principles of SNAP Selling

    The four basics of SNAP Selling are simplicity, invaluable, alignment, and priority. These principles intend to meet the challenges and needs of overwhelmed customers. The goal is to enhance buyer engagement and increase the likelihood of successful sales outcomes.

    1. Keep It Simple

    Simplicity is necessary in a world where customers are bombarded with information. A brief sales pitch respects the customer’s time and ensures you hit your key points. This approach is effective in initial outreach efforts, where gaining and allowing access to a customer’s attention is crucial.

    Your customers are balancing many tasks, so organize less frequent, more impactful meetings, limit product choices to only what will benefit them, keep sales pitches relevant and concise, start with a clear agenda, and end with the next steps.

    2. Be Invaluable

    In a sea of options, what makes your offering not just a choice but THE choice? It’s about standing out with a unique value they can’t do without. When your outreach efforts work and your product is a must-have, you win more business, build loyalty, and develop long-term relationships.

    To demonstrate how invaluable your solution is, ensure each interaction delivers value, showcase your expertise and understanding rather than just selling, and use data to back up your solutions and instill confidence. Utilizing platforms like LinkedIn can be an effective way to showcase this value and connect with the right decision-makers. According to industry insights, such as those from Gartner, the average enterprise B2B buying group consists of five to 11 stakeholders.

    3. Always Align

    Aligning your solution with the customer’s current needs shows empathy and understanding. This is important when responding to trigger events. These events can redefine a customer’s priorities and decision-making criteria.

    Maintain alignment by customizing your message to resonate with the customer’s particular needs, tailoring your solution, and directly addressing the known goals and challenges.

    4. Raise Priorities

    Position your product as a top priority. Creating a sense of urgency by highlighting the importance and benefits of your solution moves the purchasing decision up on your customers’ agenda.

    Make your solution stand out by clearly delineating the benefits of transitioning from their current solution to an improved state with your solution. Refer to current industry events to help pivot focus, paint a picture of a better future, and focus on how your solution will impact essential business metrics.

    Three Critical Decisions in SNAP Selling

    The three decisions in SNAP Selling capture your prospect’s interest, challenge their current mindset, and lead them to choose your solution. Each step marks a transition from interest to understanding to confidence in your unique value.

    1. Gain Initial Access

    The first critical decision in SNAP Selling is catching the prospect’s attention. You want to present a compelling introduction that resonates, making them open to hearing more. Get your foot in the door with a memorable entrance that piques interest and curiosity.

    Outcome: The prospect has agreed to a conversation.

    2. Encourage a Shift From the Status Quo

    The second decision revolves around persuading prospects to see the value of change. This is where you challenge their comfort zone and present your solution as an alternative and an upgrade to their current situation. Staying with the status quo is a missed opportunity.

    Outcome: The prospect understands that the status quo is unacceptable.

    3. Decision to Choose Your Solution

    Steering the prospect to choose your solution over any other options is the final decision. This solidifies your value proposition, differentiation, and alignment.

    Outcome: The prospect is confident that they have made the best decision.

    SNAP Selling Terms You Should Know

    Understanding SNAP terms will help you communicate with other SNAP sellers and leadership. Each term represents a unique characteristic of the sales process.

    Buyer’s Matrix

    The Buyer’s Matrix is a tool to understand individual decision-makers rather than just businesses. It involves identifying important roles, motivations, and challenges. This helps create impactful messages, plan valuable meetings, and differentiate from competitors.

    Go Zone

    The phase where customer engagement is high, and decisions are made. Sales efforts tend to be most successful during the Go Zone as customers are responsive, open to discussion, and more inclined towards committing. Capitalizing on this phase can increase the chances of closing a deal.


    The Danger Zone is where sales efforts are ignored or rejected. It highlights the challenges sales reps face when their approaches are misaligned with the customer’s interest or when the timing is off. In the D-Zone, your sales messages may be irrelevant, intrusive, or unwelcome.

    How to Adopt the SNAP Selling Methodology

    Is SNAP Selling feasible for your business? It all boils down to simplicity, targeted engagement, and understanding your customers. Here’s how you can make the SNAP selling method work for you.

    Simplify Your Sales Process

    Streamline every step of your sales process to make it as smooth and uncomplicated as possible. Remember, in the world of SNAP Selling, less is more. Aim for hassle-free interactions. This means trimming down unnecessary steps and focusing on clear communication.

    Identify Key Decision-Makers

    Direct your efforts towards individuals who wield the authority to say ‘yes’ to your offerings. Invest time in understanding who calls the shots and tailor your pitch to resonate with their needs and pain points.

    Create a Buyer’s Matrix

    Take the time to perfect buyer personas. Understand their goals, challenges, and motivations. Build a comprehensive profile that guides your sales approach, ensuring it always hits the mark.

    Here’s an example of a buyer’s matrix:

    Buyer's Matrix Infographic

    Align Sales Tactics with Three Key Decisions

    Align your sales strategies with the three critical decisions in your buyer’s journey: gaining access, encouraging a shift from the status quo, and influencing the final choice. Tailor your tactics to guide the buyer from one decision to the next, leading them closer to a conclusion with each step.

    SNAP Selling Tips and Best Practices

    These tips and best practices can transform your sales interactions from routine to impactful.

    Differentiate Yourself From the Competition

    Distinguish yourself by offering something extraordinary – a unique value that only you can provide. This could be innovative functionality, exceptional service, or a unique approach to problem-solving. The key is to make your offering so compelling that it’s the preferred choice.

    Train and Coach Your Team to Think Like the Customers

    Encourage your sales professionals to adopt the customer’s mindset, seeing the world through their eyes. This means having empathy by understanding the customer’s daily challenges, aspirations, and pain points. Tailor your sales training strategies to nurture this mindset.

    Ask Questions and Suggest Solutions

    Use questions to uncover the deeper needs and motivations of your customers. Use each question as a stepping stone towards a tailored solution. Then, seamlessly weave your solutions into the conversation, showing how you address the specific challenges or goals the customer has shared.

    Tell the Truth

    Be upfront about your product’s capabilities, pricing, and any limitations. Honesty builds trust and establishes credibility. Customers are more likely to engage with a salesperson who they believe has their best interests in mind rather than just hitting their quota.

    Implementing SNAP Selling in Various Industries

    From the intricate demands of healthcare to the dynamic tech world and from fast-paced retail to the strategic moves in real estate, SNAP Selling can be just what your business needs. Below are scenarios showcasing how SNAP Selling can yield successful outcomes in these sectors.


    A healthcare tech company is struggling to sell a patient management system to hospitals due to the complex nature of patient privacy.

    SNAP selling tip: Focus on simplifying the product presentation, highlighting how the software integrates seamlessly with existing systems and security measures to keep patient data safe. Simplification and focus on the most critical details reduces the apprehension of hospital decision-makers and showcases the direct benefits to patient management.

    Real Estate

    A real estate firm faces challenges in selling high-end properties due to clients’ busy schedules and the competitive market.

    SNAP selling tip: Align the property showings and communications with each client’s specific lifestyle and preferences. Offer virtual tours and personalized property summaries that cater to their unique tastes and requirements. Personalized service caters to the high expectations of clients.


    A cybersecurity software company is struggling to make headway in the market. While robust and effective, their product is getting lost in the noise of the security space. Customers are overwhelmed by technical jargon and the endless options available.

    SNAP selling tip: Tailor your approach to address the specific security concerns of each potential customer. For instance, if pitching to a retail business, highlight how the software can safeguard against POS system breaches. This creates a more personal sales experience.


    A retail chain struggles with online sales as customers are overwhelmed with choices and lack personalized assistance.

    SNAP selling tip: Implement AI in the online store, suggesting products based on browsing history. This will make shopping more straightforward for today’s online shopper.

    Is SNAP Selling Right for Your Business?

    While SNAP Selling is highly effective, it’s important to consider other methodologies in your sales book like Challenger, MEDDIC, and Sandler for complex deals with enterprise customers. Ask yourself the following questions to determine if SNAP is for your sales team:

    • How complex is your sales cycle?
      • Does your business have a straightforward and short sales cycle, or does it involve complex, long-term negotiations and decision-making processes? SNAP Selling is effective in scenarios where speed and simplicity are crucial.
    • Who is your target audience?
      • Are your clients overwhelmed and busy decision-makers who value simplicity and clarity? SNAP Selling excels in modern sales environments where buyers are inundated with information and choices.
    • How do your customers make buying decisions?
      • Do your customers value quick, straightforward solutions, or do they require a more consultative approach that involves deep diving into their problems and challenges?
    • What are your sales goals and objectives?
      • Are your sales strategies more aligned with establishing long-term relationships and deep understanding (as in Sandler or Challenger), or are they geared towards simplifying the buying process and catering to the fast-paced decision-making environment?
    • How adaptable is your sales team?
      • Is your sales team capable of adopting a straightforward, fast-paced approach that snap selling requires? Do they have the skills to simplify complex information?
    • What is your competitive environment?
      • Are you operating in a highly competitive market where being invaluable and aligned with customer priorities gives you an edge?
    • Are your products or services highly customizable?
      • Does your business thrive on offering tailor-made solutions, or are your products more standardized, requiring a simple and direct sales approach?
    • What is your current customer feedback?
      • Have customers expressed a need for more streamlined communication and simpler decision-making processes?
    • What are the training and implementation resources available?
      • Given your current capabilities, do you have the resources to train and implement SNAP Selling, or would another sales methodology be more feasible?

    Answering these questions will give you a clearer picture of whether SNAP Selling aligns with your business’s sales process, customer demographics, and overall business objectives. Keep in mind, the ideal sales methodology should streamline the experience for both your customers and sales team.

    Conclusion: Let Highspot Help You Speed Up Sales

    SNAP Selling is tailored to today’s fast-paced, information-overloaded buyers. Whether in healthcare, technology, real estate, or retail, the key takeaway is clear: understanding and aligning with your prospect’s needs is paramount.

    If SNAP is right for your product and business, you are well on your way to enhancing your sales performance and building stronger, more meaningful connections with your customers. Highspot is an ally to salespeople, providing rapid, accurate, and impactful sales enablement tools and resources. From capturing your prospects’ interest to challenging their status quo and ultimately steering them toward choosing your solution, Highspot is here to help.

    Book a Highspot demo today!

    By Highspot Team

    The Highspot Team works to create and promote the Highspot sales enablement platform, which gives businesses a powerful sales advantage to engage in more relevant buyer conversations and achieve their revenue goals. Through AI-powered search, analytics, in-context training, guided selling, and 50+ integrations, the Highspot platform delivers enterprise-ready sales enablement in a modern design that sales reps and marketers love.

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