Okta Boosts Content Adoption and Efficiency

By choosing Highspot, Okta elevated content management from “one place to get lost” to a single source of truth.


When Rehan Chishty, Enablement Platforms Manager at Okta, joined the leading identity and access management company, he immediately saw an opportunity for change.

“I saw how difficult it was for my colleagues in sales to find the assets they needed,” he remembers. “With so many different content repositories, websites, and files stored on individual desktops, it was overwhelming.”

Worse still, the various platforms made it difficult for sales leaders to gain actionable insights. Rehan championed a change at Okta. The search began for a sales enablement platform that could take Okta, a rapidly growing business, to the next level. “We chose Highspot as our go-to solution for creating a single, unified hub for our people to be successful,” says Rehan.





Today, we have a unified strategy between Sales and Enablement with 80% of field teams returning to Highspot regularly. Highspot is now critical to our success.
Rehan ChishtyEnablement Platforms Manager, Okta

“One Place To Get Lost”: Okta sellers struggle to find content across multiple platforms.

As a new hire, Rehan experienced first-hand how confusing Okta’s previous tool stack could be. Searching through multiple content repositories, including Box, G-Drive, the company website, CircleHD, and YouTube for external videos, was frustrating and inefficient, and reps often found themselves using outdated content. “The severity of the problem was clear to me,” he says. “If we didn’t get the right tools in place, it would impact our ability to close deals, generate revenue, and win customers.”

Not having the right tools and a lack of governance had always been an issue, but Okta’s rapid growth and global footprint made the problem more challenging. “Global sales teams needed to align on messaging, and leaders needed a way to see what assets were having a tangible impact,” says Rehan. Highspot’s analytics capabilities were a major draw. “In the past, gathering insights was next to impossible,” says Rehan. “It was a time-consuming and inconsistent process.” The situation created friction between teams and left leaders in the dark about content performance and usage.


“Usability, Functionality, and Scalability”: Highspot outperforms competitors to win the loyalty of Okta reps.

The result was a push within Okta’s enablement team to revamp how colleagues, regardless of their role, discovered content and pursued new business. “Okta products are best of breed, and we wanted to match that mindset and enable sellers with best of breed tools to do their jobs,” says Rehan. The first step was putting Highspot to the test with a series of user demos and security assessments.

Users responded to Highspot’s ease of use. “There is no other sales and enablement content management system out there that comes close to Highspot in terms of usability, functionality, and scalability,” agrees Michael Rejniak, Director of Sales Enablement at Okta.

Our reps evaluated several sales enablement platforms and Highspot quickly won over the crowd in our targeted user groups.
Rehan ChishtyEnablement Platforms Manager, Okta

“Super Helpful”: Deployment leads to high adoption, efficiency, and greater insight.

Today, users at Okta are leveraging Highspot within Slack and Salesforce, as well as using SmartPage™ capabilities, which provides guidance alongside content so reps can drive more effective customer engagement.

“Our initial buy-in from leadership was strong, with an expectation that we would achieve 80% adoption of Highspot among field groups within a year,” says Rehan. “And we defined adoption as logging in at least once a month.”

To reach that goal, training was key. The enablement team made the most of data to drive quick and effective adoption of Highspot. “The analytics inherent in the Highspot platform were super helpful for targeting where we needed to focus our training efforts and gauging our success,” says Rehan. “In one year, we reached 800+ sellers with live training and even more with recorded sessions saved in Highspot. Sellers are loving it!”


The “Engagement Factor”: Okta employees are effective and engaged with an 80% recurring usage.

Today, Rehan’s efforts have led to adoption that has surpassed the 80% goal enablement set out to achieve, and sellers are more efficient thanks to the enthusiasm of dedicated Spot owners and Highspot’s robust search capabilities.

“We have achieved a remarkable 80% recurring usage, we continue to iterate and roll out new features,” says Rehan. “Promoted search has been huge for driving usage and discoverability of content, and we are also using analytics to make more data-driven decisions and ultimately improve quota attainment.”

There is an engagement factor with Highspot that simply didn't exist before with Box and GDrive alone. Including Highspot for surfacing assets using SmartPages™ has made us immensely successful.
Rehan ChishtyEnablement Platforms Manager, Okta

Okta reps now access content faster than ever without having to engage their peers or resort to opening a ticket with enablement, and reps find the ability to pitch directly within Highspot particularly useful. “It’s been a huge time-saver,” says Rehan. Reps are more engaged than ever, using the feedback feature in Highspot to share suggestions about how content could be improved.

Today, 80% of field teams across Okta use Highspot every day, and that percentage is growing.

While experienced reps use Highspot to find the assets they need in a fraction of the time, new hires at Okta also enjoy Highspot as part of the onboarding process. “We have role-specific Spots and SmartPages™ set up where new hires can go and hit the ground running,” says Rehan. “We have seen a decrease in the time it takes sellers to ramp up because of our new onboarding approach. It’s a vast improvement.”

By choosing Highspot, Okta has elevated content management from “one place to get lost” to a single source of truth that empowers reps and drives new business giving enablement a voice in strategic business initiatives.

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