These 3 Companies Are Maximising Their Sales Content – Here’s How

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    Content is complicated. Marketing often prioritises creating content and lets evaluating its effectiveness fall to the wayside. Sales, on the other hand, devotes energy to closing deals, leaving little time to uncover new game-changing assets. For many, the constant challenge to create, locate, use, and evaluate content can feel like absolute chaos.

    But for some, the answer has been simple: sales enablement. With powerful search capabilities, in-depth analytics, and more, sales enablement platforms have helped businesses maximise their content on every front.

    Leading organisations are harnessing the power of sales enablement to solve their challenges and achieve next-level results. For inspiration on how to get the most out of your content, take a look at how these three companies have mastered sales enablement and put an end to content chaos.

    Payscale Sellers Spend Time Selling, Not Searching

    When hundreds of pieces of content are stored across multiple storage locations, how can sales reps find the best content for every selling scenario? Often, they don’t. Instead, they spend precious time searching for assets, not selling.

    Faced with this challenge, Payscale’s sales team had become less productive and less effective. Reps were spending hours trying to uncover content or using outdated, redundant assets. Vice President of Marketing Tim Low explained, “Our best content was not getting reliably to the sales team and we didn’t have data on what content was driving engagement from opportunity to close.”

    Payscale turned to Highspot’s sales enablement solution to create a single source of truth for all sales assets. Soon after deployment, Payscale noticed a marked change in the time it was taking for reps to find content. Reps were saving an average three hours a week, and time that was previously spent searching for content was now used to generate sales. Now reps work more efficiently and effectively than ever before.

    DiscoverOrg Masters Sending the Right Content at the Right Time

    Personalisation is the key to a perfect buyer experience. After all, how likely are you to respond to a mass-market email that has little to do with your unique challenges? To be effective, content must to map to each stage of the buyer’s journey and address a buyer’s specific needs.

    For DiscoverOrg, finding the right content for their buyers was complicated as reps couldn’t easily see how content related to a lead’s stage in the buyer’s journey. But by using Highspot’s sales enablement platform to bring together content and CRM data in a single holistic view, DiscoverOrg was able to quickly find intelligent content recommendations.

    When DiscoverOrg rolled out Highspot, the effect was instant. Reps were finally able to see content suggestions tailored to a buyer’s profile and stage without ever having to leave Salesforce. Better yet, they also gained visibility into when prospective clients were opening, viewing, and engaging with their pitches. Now sellers could perfectly time their outreach and provide the most relevant content in every situation.

    “We’ve been able to map out all of the different content that the buyer should see, specific to their persona or industry, and all of the touchpoints along the way,” said Phill Sundal, Manager of Product Marketing. “Now, we have more strategic cadences of content that we’re sharing throughout the sales cycle rather than just sending a random follow-up deck or data sheet. It’s much more methodical.”

    Fiserv Creates Data-Driven Content

    Data can be a tricky thing. Too much means you’re swimming in numbers, unable to find patterns; not enough and it’s impossible to make informed decisions. For Fiserv, their data challenge was the latter – marketing had no insight into content performance or its effect on closing deals.

    After implementing a Highspot solution, Fiserv suddenly had access to a wealth of analytics and content reporting. With the ability to analyse how buyers were engaging with content included in pitches, Fiserv at last discovered which assets had the best retention rates.

    According to Jason Bailey, Director of Marketing Programs & Innovation, a key value of Highspot has been the analytics. He said, “We never had analytics about what sales people were doing on a daily basis before. Now, from a marketing perspective, we know what content works and what doesn’t.”

    Empowered by data, Fiserv has narrowed its efforts and resources to focus on creating content that truly has an impact on sales.

    Regardless of your business size or industry, sales enablement solutions can revolutionise how you find, use, and create content. To learn more about how innovative companies are maximising their content with sales enablement, explore our customer success stories.

    By Sarah Yhann

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