How SentinelOne Increased Customer Engagement by 160%

SentinelOne uses Highspot to personalize buyer experiences and increase adoption and customer success.

increase in content usage year over year
increase in pitch engagement
increase in customer engagement from Q1 to Q3


SentinelOne is a leading cybersecurity company that provides endpoint security solutions to organizations worldwide. As a company that is hyper-focused on the customer experience, it aims to establish a sustainable advantage, not just a temporary edge. To do this, SentinelOne recognizes that continuous innovation is necessary to prioritize a personalized and enhanced customer experience. By investing in future-focused enablement, SentinelOne helps reps foster long-term customer relationships to achieve sustainable advantage and drive revenue growth over time.






Content Chaos and Limited Insights Harm Customer Engagement

As an inherently data-driven company, SentinelOne faced a significant challenge in understanding what was working with buyers in order to optimize productivity. Without a central repository for sales content, the sales enablement team struggled to manage the extensive amount of content, making it difficult for reps to find what they needed. Meanwhile, the team lacked the analytics to understand which content reps were sharing and whether that content drove business results. “We had no repository for all of our sales content,” explained Suzanne Portugal, head of education and enablement at SentinelOne.

SentinelOne’s sales enablement team sought a new and innovative solution to simplify access to content and improve customer engagement. The company was looking for a platform that could centralize content storage, provide better visibility into content usage, and make the sales experience as smooth as possible for both sales reps and customers.

We had very little visibility into what was happening with the content, and it was not very user-friendly for sales, so it wasn’t ideal at all.

Suzanne PortugalHead of Education and Enablement, SentinelOne


Digital Sales Rooms and Salesforce Integration Elevate Customer Collaboration

By implementing Highspot, SentinelOne not only solved its content management challenges but also empowered reps to deliver an enhanced customer experience. The team quickly embraced Highspot as a centralized hub to unify storage, enhance content findability, and improve visibility into content performance. But to truly drive rep adoption, SentinelOne leveraged Highspot’s Salesforce integration to weave Highspot into their daily workflow. By delivering targeted content with AI-powered recommendations directly in Salesforce records, enablement could equip sellers just in time. The team also captured key insights, including how buyers are engaging with the content throughout the sales cycle to help move deals forward. This streamlined the sales process for reps and accelerated Highspot adoption once reps experienced how it improved their customer interactions.

Early on, the team realized the potential impact of Highspot’s Pitch capabilities on customer engagement. By adopting Pitch templates in all phases of the sales cycle, reps optimized communication through targeted, personalized pitches.“We started by examining all stages of the sales cycle and identifying the type of templates that would be most useful to reps and the type of content that would be most useful to customers,” said Portugal. “We now have templates for every sales cycle stage, from generating interest to post-sale onboarding.”

The team further enhanced personalization and customer collaboration by leveraging Pitch Styles to create digital sales rooms that provide a branded, centralized microsite for relevant content.

With access to these types of actionable insights, SentinelOne consistently monitors such as content usage, pitch engagement, and adoption to tailor its approach to the needs of sales reps and customers. “We’re utilizing almost all of the Highspot reporting features and regularly monitoring the pitch engagement and content usage metrics,” noted Portugal.

Digital sales rooms have impacted buyer decision-making. One of our most innovative reps found out about the digital sales rooms and leveraged them effectively. The end customer spent 73 hours in the digital sales room with lots of collaboration, and the deal closed, representing a huge win for us.

Suzanne PortugalHead of Education and Enablement, SentinelOne


United Sales Culture Fueled By High Adoption and Customer Engagement

SentinelOne’s partnership with Highspot has been a resounding success, beginning with a quick rollout that required no support from IT due to Highspot’s attentive customer service. “I tell everyone that I think Highspot has the best customer success of any vendor I’ve worked with,” emphasized Portugal. With a smooth rollout, the team built momentum and excitement for the platform among sales reps––and now it is an integral part of the sales culture. “The biggest impact that Highspot has had on our organization is really that it’s the brand of our sales organization and our sales culture. It’s a big part of every day for any sales rep,” said Portugal.

This success was fueled by the ability to track content usage and engagement so they could adapt as needed, combined with the option to collaborate with customers in innovative ways. Features like the digital sales rooms elevated customer success by providing an immersive experience that kept customers interested and invested throughout the sales process. As a result, SentinelOne has seen customer engagement increase by 160% in less than a year. The results speak for themselves, and SentinelOne’s team is confident about their continued future with Highspot.

We experienced a 200% increase year over year for content usage and almost a 300% increase in pitch engagement. This represents significant growth.

Suzanne PortugalHead of Education and Enablement, SentinelOne

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