How Spok Increased Win Rate by 15%

Spok empowers reps through a single source of truth to drive business impact.

increase in win rate
increase in average deal size
hour saved by reps per week on average


Spok is a healthcare communications company delivering clinical information to care teams through automated workflow solutions. With a passion for improving patient outcomes, efficient communication is a top priority for the company. However, a disjointed set of internal systems made information management and distribution a challenge. In need of a centralized platform, Spok turned to Highspot.






Disparate Systems Limited Seller Visibility and Success

Spok aims to enable its users to spend more time with patients by increasing clinician satisfaction  – something the sales team plays a key role in. But without a simplified system, sellers faced a number of struggles. “Content was going all over the place. We had disparate systems, a lack of up-to-date information, and no way of tracking the success of our communications with customers and prospects, said John Bohman, sales enablement and operations director at Spok.

Without accessible analytics, reporting and refining was an added difficulty for the team. “Reps would send a quote off via email and then twiddle their thumbs, hoping the customer saw it,” explained Bohman. They needed more insight into their efforts in order to sharpen their strategies.

Before we had Highspot, our biggest challenge was really getting the right content – and making sure it was up to date – to the sales team.

John BohmanSales Enablement and Operations Director, Spok


Improving Engagement by Consolidating Information

Spok used Highspot to consolidate all of its enablement systems into one easily accessible source of truth. This gave the team the insight they required to better communicate with buyers, leading to improved buyer engagement with a 100% increase in the use of digital rooms. “The search functionality is phenomenal. We’re also able to organize our content in a way that makes sense for buyers. Reps can now easily find what they need based on the topic, stage, and opportunity,” noted Bohman. “And we have integrated it with our CRM, Salesforce, so we can target relevant marketing collateral for that opportunity based on different criteria.”

Integrating with Salesforce not only helped reps personalize their communication, but served as a home base for the team and led to 93% content findability. “Utilizing the Salesforce integration with Highspot keeps our reps in the place they need to be in and gives them everything they need at their fingertips,” said Bohman. “They don’t need to be jumping around from place to place. It’s all right there.” This helped the team save reps an average of one hour per week since implementing Highspot.

To further improve buyer communication and engagement, Bohman and his team leveraged Sales Plays in Highspot to provide contextual guidance for the sales team on how to navigate key selling scenarios. “For one of our product lines, we developed a Sales Play with all of the information reps needed,” shared Bohman. “We packaged up things like a discovery guide, a presentation, and even a training to watch.” In doing so, the team increased their pipeline for that particular product line four times over within twelve months.

We’ve got a consistent message we can track. We can repeat it, or we can find out if it’s really hitting the mark and then we can pivot as a whole organization, not just person to person.

John BohmanSales Enablement and Operations Director, Spok


Empowering Reps Through a Single Source of Truth

For Spok, having an integrated enablement system in Highspot empowered both internal teams and external buyers to have the right information for their specific needs at their fingertips. “The biggest win is just simply being able to find the content we need,” said Bohman. In fact, this accessibility and ease of use led to 77% of users actively using the platform on a regular basis. It has also allowed the company to continue refining its enablement efforts post-implementation. “Our Highspot implementation was really well done. We were set up with the technology we needed and had a solid foundation for what we need to do,” shared Bohman. “Ever since then, I’ve worked with our account manager and technical product team to stay in touch regularly to make sure we know the latest: how are we doing within our own instance, and what can we do better?”

Ultimately, the efficiency of a centralized, intuitive system has given sellers the confidence and ability to easily find the materials they need for success. This has helped the team drive a 15% increase in win rate and a 25% in average deal size since implementing Highspot.

I think they feel really good about finding what they need really easily, knowing that Highspot is the source of truth. Highspot’s our go-to source. It's easy to find what you need.

John BohmanSales Enablement and Operations Director, Spok

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