How Clario Centralized Workflows Across 6 Sales Teams

Highspot’s industry-leading technology provides a content and pitching solution that 250+ reps use with ease.

single location for Clario's sales content
sales teams collaborate with one another
reps leverage Highspot


With almost 50 years of experience in the healthcare space, Clario aids a range of companies that conduct clinical trials for life-saving treatments. Its technology ensures that these companies minimize the risk and uncertainty behind the data of each trial. But one thing prevented Clario’s vital solutions from reaching the clinical trial teams: an inefficient sales cycle.


Healthcare & Life Sciences




Centralizing Content for Multiple Sales Teams

Prior to implementing Highspot, sales reps primarily used Salesforce’s content library to access sales materials. This storage system led to reps using outdated content and referring back to content that was ineffective in engaging clients. Additionally, there was no feature that allowed reps to pitch content within Salesforce, which managers realized impacted sales effectiveness.

Clario’s sales reps are divided into six specialist teams — one for each of Clario’s product lines. This meant the company needed a solution that would easily identify content that was relevant to each specific team. A solution that could measure the effectiveness of sales content without confusing reps about which content items to use was desperately needed.

The managers of Clario decided to research potential systems that would solve their sales content and pitching problems. They looked at Highspot and two competing products, and it soon became apparent that Highspot offered the best possible solution. Compared to competitors, Highspot had some clear advantages, and the Clario sales team didn’t anticipate how easy it would be to adopt.

Compared to the other two, Highspot's user interface seemed easier to use. I think that was one of the biggest things. The dashboards that are in there, the way that we could customise things by team when we got there, the featured content, the ease of use, the integration with Salesforce — a lot of those different factors played into it. I think probably the biggest thing was the user interface seemed to work really well.
Doug CaseSales Enablement Manager, Clario


Convenient Content Accessibility for Reps

Clario implemented Highspot for its six different sales teams. Reps in each team had unanimous early feedback: they loved how easy it was to find and browse content. For the first time in the company’s history, every member of each sales team was able to locate the latest, most effective content that was relevant to their sales cycle. The sales reps were amazed at how much time this sales enablement solution saved them.

But that was just the beginning. During the weeks following launch, reps began experimenting with the software in newer and better ways. The pitching features not only allowed sales pitches to be smoother than ever before, but actually helped reps know what content to pitch and when. The analytics built into the system showed sales reps when someone was viewing a pitch and what pages they viewed the most or least.

These incredible features and the positive feedback from the team convinced Clario’s managers to focus the entire sales cycle around Highspot.

I think it's a lot easier for us to publish content and get it to the right people and get them looking at it. I think overall it's saving time. It allows people to see what each team has out together really quickly ... You can really easily see what's out there. It's all with a click of a button.
Doug CaseSales Enablement Manager, Clario


Transforming Sales Processes

The improvement that Highspot had made to Clario’s six portfolio sales teams was substantial and rapid – and Clario would find even more uses for the software.

Clario’s managers noticed that the six portfolio teams were now able to share analytical data to improve their own sales processes. The teams pointed out which sales assets drove the best results with prospects, thereby improving their pitching processes as a result.

This information had relevance beyond the reps — the marketing team at Clario benefited from this intel, too. With access to Highspot’s analytics, Clario’s marketers can now make changes to content based on customer interaction. This has enabled Clario’s sales content to become more effective and impactful than it has ever been before.

More positive uses for Highspot continue to be discovered every day. Recently, sales operations specialists uploaded sales training calls for reps who needed a refresh of their initial training, allowing reps to increase their knowledge in a manner that previously had not been easily available.

The one linking theme throughout Clario’s company-wide adoption of Highspot was ease. Now with Highspot, teams at Clario are communicating with greater ease, finding content with greater ease, identifying customer insights with greater ease, and training reps with greater ease. With its accessible platform, intuitive guidance, and powerful analytics, Highspot has paved the way and made it easy to significantly increase sales win rates at Clario.

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