Use Enablement Data to Boost Content Adoption by 40%

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    Outdated branding. Stale messaging. Too many assets. No insight into what works. Content chaos is a common problem that prevents reps from engaging buyers with material that converts.

    When your content is poorly managed, reps can’t find the right assets to share with buyers. Marketing has no idea what content generates business value. Enablement has little visibility into how reps are using content or if it’s landing in the field. How can you take control of your sales collateral to ensure it’s effective, adopted, and used in the right ways?

    Leverage data to gain insight into content usage, rep activity, and sales plays to help you manage your content more effectively and enhance its impact. Here are tips to put an end to content chaos once and for all with analytics.

    Keep Your Content Clean and Compelling

    Without insight into what content reps use or how assets perform with buyers, sales enablement and marketing teams can’t maintain a healthy arsenal of on-brand, impactful materials. Content analytics help you manage and govern content at scale, helping you identify high-performing material to keep and ineffective content to archive. Governing your content using data also ensures reps can easily find up-to-date, accurate resources.

    TIP: Analyze content usage data to determine what content reps are using regularly and what buyers are spending time viewing. Then, use these insights to make your governance decisions. For example, with the Content Scorecard in Highspot, you can see which assets are getting used and influencing the most revenue, allowing you to keep the most impactful content, update outdated materials, and retire ineffective sales collateral. Customers who use the Content Scorecard to assess content performance see a 25% improvement in content governance.

    Get the Right Content in Front of Your Reps

    You want reps to adopt the right content, yet it can be challenging to know what they’re actually consuming. Before Highspot, 70% of customers had little insight into reps’ actions. When you can see how high-performing reps leverage content through an enablement platform, you can promote impactful material internally for other reps to adopt.

    TIP: Utilize the Content Scorecard in Highspot to understand how sellers are using your content, so you can ensure they’re adopting the material you want them to. Customers who use the Content Scorecard see an 18% increase in internal content views and a 40% increase in the time reps spend viewing content. With access to content usage insights, you can hold reps accountable to leveraging more sales collateral that converts.

    Build Sales Plays that Perform

    Providing content in context with sales plays is crucial so reps know how to use sales material to engage buyers and land strategic initiatives. However, enablement and marketing teams can spend hours crafting plays with no clue if they have the desired impact. You want to know if reps are understanding the strategy, completing the necessary training, and sharing relevant content with buyers. With analytics on sales play performance, you can learn what works to create sales plays that help reps succeed in the field.

    TIP: Leverage the Play Scorecard to learn how a go-to-market initiative is performing and strategically adapt your guidance efforts. With insights into how reps are adopting the resources in a sales play to engage buyers, you can provide best practices for sharing assets that move deals forward. When our customers use the Play Scorecard, their buyers spend 12% more time engaging with the materials shared with them – indicating more interest and better engagement.

    Improve Content Performance With a Data-driven Strategy

    Bring analytics to the forefront of your content strategy. Leveraging insights into content activity, governance, and guidance will allow you to apply more rigor to your marketing and enablement efforts. By using data to manage your sales collateral, you can eliminate content chaos and improve both the adoption and impact of your assets.

    If you’re a Highspot customer, unlock more enablement insights like these by joining our exclusive customer community, Highspot Spark Community!

    This blog post is part of Highspot’s new research-backed blog series, Highspot Insights. With the help of our research teams, we provide data-driven best practices for sales enablement. If you have a topic you’d like to learn more about, please let us know. We’d love to hear from you. 

    By Bridgette Roberts

    Bridgette is a Marketing Research & Insights Manager at Highspot driving customer insights efforts. With experience in market research, data analytics, and content marketing, Bridgette leads our Highspot Insights initiative, bringing data-backed enablement best practices to you.

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